Service Times 8:30 and 10 am Contemporary, 11:15 am Traditional

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service and Prayer Vigil

A Holy Week Opportunity

Maundy Thursday Service and Prayer Vigil

As we head toward the resurrection, First Presbyterian Church is offering a meal and a Tenebrae service on April 6th. The meal is at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall and the service is at 7:30 pm at 143 Broad. The meal and service will be followed by an overnight prayer vigil. Participants in the prayer time can sign up for one hour of personal/family prayer using the link below. This prayer can take place in the 143 Broad building where prayer stations will be setup or at home. We hope to have people praying for our church, community, and world, through the night and through to the time of our Lord's death on the cross. We hope you will add the prayer vigil to your Holy Week experience as a way of entering into the suffering of our Savior and remembering the command to love one another that the Lord gave us at the last supper. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor Jason at