Welcome to the Music and Media Ministry of FPCMooresville
Music and Media are a vibrant part of our ministry here at First Pres Mooresville.
On this page you will find a variety of opportunities
for people to utilize their gifts and talents to enhance the worship experience.
Through the beauty of the creative arts, we seek to glorify God and share the hope and joy of the Gospel message!

Traditional Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir consists of adult musicians who dedicate their time and talents to traditional Sunday worship. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings: 6:30pm-7:30pm (September to June). Under the leadership of Director of Music, David Hamilton, the group takes part in the 11:15 am traditional service and special events throughout the year. Major choral works are presented during Advent and Lent. If you are a committed, talented and friendly individual, please consider joining our choir (click below). For further information, please contact: david@mooresvillefpc.org.
Children's Choirs
FPC's Children's Choirs are an integral part of our youth LOGOS/Middle School program. The programs runs from September to March each year. Please contact marian@mooresvillefpc.org for more information.
Contemporary Praise Band
The Praise Band leads our 8:30am and 10:00am contemporary services in 143 Broad. The group includes committed and talented musicians; with a real passion for praise and worship. The band is led by our contemporary worship leader, Kerri Smith. If you are interested in joining the Praise Band, please contact our Director of Music: david@mooresvillefpc.org.
Handbell Ringers
Our Handbell ensemble contributes regularly in our 11:15am traditional worship service. The group is open to anyone with some handbell experience. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 6:00pm. If you are interested in joining, please contact our Director of Music: david@mooresvillefpc.org.
Audio, Visual and Lighting Team
Our AVL team is the backbone of our weekly worship experiences. They provide the support for audio, cameras, lighting, live streaming, and projection. While this ministry is open to anyone interested, we do have a training program that one must complete in order to use our equipment. If you are interested in joining the tech team, please contact our Director of Music: david@mooresvillefpc.org.