Service Times 8:30 and 10 am Contemporary, 11:15 am Traditional

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

MOPS ministers to and equips moms of young children through Bible study, fellowship and activities.

***Please note: Our MOPS group is not meeting at this time, due to Covid limitations and restrictions. We do look forward to meeting again in person in the near future! We miss our meetings and the wonderful support and fellowship we find at MOPS!

Our MOPS group had a very active and successful fall 2019, with approximately 15 participants. The group is part of an international ministry, dedicated to encouraging and equipping moms of young children “to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church.”

When safety restrictions allow, MOPS participants meet every other week for Bible study, activities, and fellowship while their children are being cared for in a nearby room. There is a $31.95 membership fee, and registration is essential.

Information about the MOPS international ministry may be found at